After you contact us about your project, We’ll get in touch with you to clarify questions or make any suggestions. Then We’ll send you a proposal in writing. When you’re ready to get started, the process looks like this:
In this phase, We’ll gather more information about your company and your project. We are interested in your goals and objectives, your company’s capabilities and personality, and who your target audience is. We’ll do a bit of research on your industry and take a look at what your competitors are doing. If you already have an established brand and marketing materials, We’ll review them to get a sense of context for your new project. Information gleaned in the discovery phase will set the direction for the next step.
Here’s where ideas are visualized. The pencil meets the paper (or the mouse meets the pad). We’ll work up several creative concepts for you that are thoughtful solutions to your design problem—options that make sense and are a great fit for you.
From among the concepts presented, you’ll choose your favorite idea to focus on. Then we’ll work on refining it through a series of iterations until it’s just right.
When you’ve approved the design, We’ll create the final artwork files and deliver them to you and/or your print vendor. If needed, We’ll contact printers for quotes and manage the printing process for you.
If you have a design project in mind, let us know and We’ll be happy to give you a quote.